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Meet the transitionary leadership team, Nancy & Moorea

Introduction by Beth Hossfeld, Co-Chair, and members of the Board of Directors

Dear Friends,

Earlier this month, I shared the news of a change of leadership at One Circle Foundation, as our CEO, Jana Hiraga, who guided our path thoughtfully and enthusiastically throughout the pandemic, has moved to new horizons.

Today, we are overjoyed to further introduce you to our new executive leadership team – Nancy Roldán Johnson, Interim Executive Director and Moorea Dickason, Chief Operating Officer.

Since 2019, Nancy has served on our Board of Directors, most recently as Co-Chair. As founder of the nonprofit organization, Together for Latinas, Inc., in 2008, she authored La Mariposa: A Personal Empowerment Program for Adolescent Latinas, to support Latina youth navigating bicultural experiences, and later gifted this beautiful 12-session curriculum to our library of Girls Circle® activity guides.

Nancy shares One Circle Foundation's audacious vision of a safe, caring, and accessible circle across all communities for all youth. With an extensive background in business and finance, Nancy is an intentional and diligent leader, focused on the people, processes and best practices that strengthen our capacities to serve this mission to promote resiliency and healthy relationships for youth through circles. During this exciting time of transition, our gratitude for Nancy's very considerable gifts of time, care, skill, mentorship, warmth and energy is simply immeasurable!

And to double this joy, we are ecstatic to re-introduce you to Moorea Dickason in a new role as our first-ever Chief Operating Officer (COO). Stepping up into this new position is a full-circle story for Moorea, who, as a teenager, participated in a Girls Circle® facilitated by Co-Founder Giovanna Taormina. Moorea's experience helped shape her career pursuits, both through expanding the reach of One Circle Foundation's circle models for all teens, and as a singer-songwriter-performer. You may know Moorea because she helped you bring a training to your organization or guided you to the activity guide that most suited the needs of the youth in your setting at a particular moment. You may have witnessed her passion and care as a Co-Trainer or found yourself sharing a story with her as she listened actively on the phone to a challenge or breakthrough in one of your circles. If you're lucky, you’ve heard Moorea sing!

Moorea and Nancy are a highly talented, trusted, and bright team who extend themselves generously to the entire One Circle Foundation community every day. They embody the experiences, strengths and potential of today and tomorrow, as they strive with all of us to create and support youth through caring, inclusive, circles where they find acceptance, discover their value and voices, and flourish.

In celebration and with great appreciation,

Beth Hossfeld, Co-Chair, and the Members of the Board of Directors